Garden Services, Grounds Maintenance, Lawn Mowing, Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming, Autumn Leaf Removal, Garden Clearance, Fencing, Turfing, Lawn Maintenance Vibrant Gardens Cardiff, South Wales        



                THE COMPLETE GARDEN


CALL STUART ON 07779 132149



Everyone loves spending time in their gardens, but not everyone loves gardening, or has the time to do it.

That is where vibrant-gardens can help. 

Qualified to National Diploma Standard in Amenity Landscape Horticulture, Sports Turf Management and Arboriculture

And being based in Cardiff, South Wales, we are quite happy to undertake any garden maintenance requests you may have.

We are very happy to undertake anything from a one off general tidy up, to a regular weekly visit, or a complete garden makeover.


This can range from;

Spring time tidy up                                      Autumn pruning and tidy up

Lawn mowing,                                            Lawn weed and moss control      

Turfing and re-seeding                                 Lawn re-conditioning

Pruning of trees and shrubs                          Planting, transplanting and removals

Flower border cultivation                             Supply and application of chipped wood mulch

soil conditioning                                          Hedge trimming

Autumn leaves removed                              Patios and decking jet washed

Complete garden clearance                          Stump removals

New fencing and repairs                              Various storm damage to plants, trees, shrubs and fences

Commercial grounds maintenance                 Domestic grounds maintenance



contact us.  Email:    Tel: 07779 132149